Laylac Center welcomed the fourth batch of trainees from Bethlehem University – Social Work students, through the Department of Social Sciences, for a four-month field training program. The program covered various steps over the course of the training months. Five students participated, accompanied by both field and professional supervision. The trainees were introduced to the community in Dheisheh Refugee Camp through field visits and familiarized with the geography of the camp. This was followed by a needs assessment for the entire camp community through meetings and discussions with official bodies – UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) – and other organizations working in the camp, as well as various social groups. At the end of the training, an initiative titled “From Generation to Generation” was chosen. The initiative targeted both children and the elderly in the same program, aiming to break down barriers and promote direct knowledge exchange between generations. The initiative was successfully implemented and its sustainability was ensured in partnership with active institutions in the camp, particularly in collaboration with Darna Center for Retired Civilians. Several joint programs and activities were carried out as part of this partnership.